Monium Installation

First, make sure you have Python 3.6 and pip installed.


The Python version has to be 3.6 for some technical reasons. (Virtualenvs can be helpful for this)

Next, you’ll want to install the monium package:

$ pip install monium


If you are going to use voice features in your bot, install monium[voice] instead!

After that’s installed, try running the monium command, you should get an help screen like the following:

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USAGE: monium <command> [args]

    - run
    - info
    - mkproject <foldername>
    - mkconfig
    - mkmodule <id>

    - MONIUMCTL_NOHEADER=<undefined>

(Don’t be alarmed if the header doesn’t exist, it just means you’re running it under Windows)


If you can’t get the monium command to run, but can get python running, try using python -m monium instead.

And that should be for installation, continue reading for general bot management and module development.